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In what ways is hot water radiant panel heating better than traditional heating?
<p> In order to solve the problems of poor comfort, high energy consumption and difficult measurement of traditional heating methods such as radiators and heaters, radiant heating methods are gradually adopted by tall space buildings.Among them, the hot water radiant panel is a kind of metal radiant panel, which is widely used in winter heating of large space such as dock, ship, aircraft and automobile maintenance hall, exhibition hall, multi-functional gymnasium and entertainment hall. </p> <p> <br /> </p> <p> The biggest difference between traditional heating methods such as radiators, heaters and hot water radiation panels is that there is a large difference in the internal surface temperature of the outer protective structure of tall space buildings. If the external wall insulation performance is the same, the former is only controlled by the indoor and outdoor air temperature, and the latter is also subjected to the thermal radiation of the hot water radiation panel.When using hot water radiant panel heating, if the indoor heating temperature is the same value as that of traditional heating such as radiators and heaters, the internal surface temperature of the outer protection structure will be high, and the heat loss of the room will increase in the same insulation performance of the enclosure structure and outdoor meteorological conditions, which is not conducive to the improvement of the performance of the entire heating system. </p> <p> <br /> </p> <p style="text-align:center;"> <img src="" alt="" style="height:auto;" /> </p> <p> <br /> </p> <p> In the case of the same indoor temperature, the average radiation temperature of the hot water radiation panel will be significantly higher than the former.When the amount of human activity and clothing conditions are unchanged, the indoor thermal conditions of the two heating methods are different.Through the analysis and calculation of the thermal comfort of the human body in two heating rooms, it is proposed that the indoor temperature of the hot water radiant panel heating can be reduced by at least 2℃ on the basis of 18℃ of the indoor heating temperature under the traditional heating mode under the premise of ensuring that the thermal comfort index does not drop, which is also confirmed by the experiment. </p> <p> <br /> </p> <p> It is pointed out in the provisions of the heating Ventilation and air conditioning design Code (GBJ19-87) that under the same thermal comfort conditions, the indoor temperature of radiation heating is 2 ~ 3℃ lower than that of radiator heating.Therefore, to ensure that the energy saving of the radiant heating room is not lower than the basic requirements of traditional heating methods such as radiators and heaters.Due to the reduction of the heating calculation temperature of the radiant heating room, the heat loss of the room will be reduced, and the energy saving purpose of the radiant heating method will be realized from the aspect of reducing the heat consumption of the building in the coming year. </p> <p> <br /> </p> <p style="text-align:center;"> <img src="" alt="" /> </p> <p> <br /> </p> <p> ECOPAN hot water radiation panel, promoted and sold by Beijing Leadway Power Co., LTD., uses hot water as the medium, and the modular unit composite panel as the radiation source.The system is an efficient and energy-saving infrared radiation technology, which is superior to the traditional radiator convection heating and hot air heating equipment, does not occupy the ground space, there is no wall pollution caused by hot pressure convection air, and the radiation energy of the module can be adjusted.ECOPAN panels have a higher thermal output than other products on the market.This allows fewer quantities to be used to meet the same required output, saving on material and installation costs.In terms of investment and operating costs, the hot water radiant panel is basically the same as the traditional convection heating methods such as the radiator, and has a simple and lightweight structure and convenient installation. </p>
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